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武林广场的通道说法有讲究 外籍专家带你剖析公共外语标识翻译
来源: 都市快报

10月18日,浙江旅游职业学院的加拿大外教富极乐(Fodil Selmouni)把英语课搬到了户外。他带领5位英文专业学生,在杭州市中心、武林广场周围展开地毯式搜寻,作为公共外语标识“安全小卫士”,不放过任何一处翻译不恰当的“虫”。




原译文:Passage to Wulin Square

Fodil版本:To/Way out to Wulin Square

"The word 'passage' relates to a narrow way, typically having walls on either side. This translation makes it feel as if we were about to pass over a specific section of the shopping mall right to the Wulin Square."

“ ‘passage’一词与狭窄的道路有关,通常两侧都有墙。这个翻译,让我觉得通过购物中心的某个特定区域,就能直达武林广场(而实际情况并非如此)。”

"Giving directions is the primary goal of this sign and therefore the translation could have been 'To Wulin Square' or 'Way Out To Wulin Square'."

“表明指示方向是这个标识的主要目的。因此我认为翻译可以是‘To Wulin Square’ or ‘Way Out To Wulin Square’。”


原译文:A dedicated channel for the disabled

Fodil版本:Accessible pathway for disabled

"Here we go again with the characters '通道'. Whether it is 'passage' or 'channel' is ultimately confused one of our students. So, which is it?"

“我们又看到了熟悉的“通道”一词。到底是 “passage”还是 “channel”? 我的一个学生表示很疑惑。”

"In this case, it is a pathway made exclusively accessible for the disabled, whereas a 'channel' is sort of a 'tunnel' that vehicles move something directly through it, as opposed to walking over it. The correct translation could be 'accessible pathway for disabled'."

“在这种情况下,这是专门为残疾人提供的通道,而 ‘channel’是一种‘隧道’,车辆从中很快通过,而不是缓缓在上面行走。正确的翻译可以是‘accessible pathway for disabled’。”

